Sunday, September 20, 2009

Unwanted Interference

So the president started out by using his bully pulpit to influence not only the Democratic legislature in the state of Massachusetts, but also the New York Governor's race. It apopears to me that this President has crossed the line in so many ways, and so many times, that I think he has gone way over the top on this. I think it is now time to call for inpeachment proceedings to begin.

Has President Obama ever read the constitution of the United States? Has he ever thought of that amendment that is the tenth? It goes like this: "The powers not delegated to the the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited to it by the States, are reserved to the SAtates respectively, or to the people." A good article to read on the issue is here: People must come to realize that the states are not the toys of the president, and the legislative process therein cannot be compromised.

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